Leadership coaching that partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to achieve their maximum professional and personal potential.
"It was a pleasure to work with Rob and I feel like we were able to discuss topics and challenges that matter in my professional life. Our coaching sessions have helped me better understand my reactions to challenging situations and relationships and identify strategies to increase my resilience"
"Rob displayed strong empathy. When we would regroup after 1-2 weeks, he would ask how I'm doing, and I would let him know about the followup steps I had committed to, or how our previous discussion had influenced positive change. I could see that hearing the news (often good news in followup to a difficult topic) made Rob genuinely pleased to see that he was helping to influence positive change and that I was meeting personal and professional leadership goals."
"helped me have several important 'lightbulb' moments of stark clarity."
"Rob has helped me learn a lot about my leadership style and day to day. By implementing the plan/actions that we discover, I have become a better manager."